Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I started reading this book today called Goody Hall. I'm pretty sure it's a children's chapter book but who cares! I love that I can find the time to read during the day. I've been able to read two books for my Coaching class, Tuesdays with Morrie and The Blind Side and I absolutely loved them. I had to read them for class but I picked them up at D.I. without even knowing they would be on the list!

I love being able to go to my bookcase and pick up a book and read it. My goal is to read every book on this shelf so I can say that I actually recommend it or I don't recommend it. It's much better to have everything read than to say oh, yeah I have never read that but you can try it.

I remember when I was a kid I had a toy chest that had shelves for books and then had a chest part that you opened up. I had books all in that toy chest. I would pick them up and read them out loud to an imaginary audience and show them pictures. I have always loved reading. Of course, some things I still don't find joy in reading but when I find something I like, I can't put it down.

I'm grateful for books and for the ideas that they have within them. I am constantly inspired, excited, and contemplative whenever I have a good book.