Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Youth of the Church

I am forever impressed by the strength that the Youth of the Church have today to stand up for what is true and right.

Looking back on my teenage years, I always tried to do what was right amidst all of the temptation in the world. But I think-- could I have done more? Could I have shared the gospel in more ways than I did in High School? Could I have invited my friends to church on Wednesday night or Sunday? What was it that held me back?
I think now, I have changed. When I got to college I realized that I have a duty on this Earth and that is to share the gospel with everyone I come in contact with. A Church Leader said that he wanted to share the gospel with everyone so that when he passed to the other side his associates would not say, "You knew all along why didn't you tell me?" That is such a huge responsibility placed upon each member's shoulders. Sharing the Gospel. Sometimes I wonder if we really take that responsibility as something we have committed to do.
My Dad's family are not members of the Church. My Dad was a convert two years before he married my Mom. His parents were not too happy about his decision. But knowing my Dad, I'm pretty sure he drilled every question he could think of to those missionaries that taught him. And he had to have his questions answered or he wouldn't have joined, but I'm sure that with questions that weren't answered the Holy Ghost was able to fill in those gaps.

So to the Youth of the Church, I applaud your efforts, your zeal, your commitment to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I see how hard you work in school, with your friends, and in the Church. When people make fun of you for being Mormon, you rely upon your testimony to sustain you through those times of trial. I see the sacrifices you make for the Church-- not going to parties on Sunday, staying away from clubs or groups that your friends are in because you know that are inappropriate, early morning seminary, Wednesday night church and 3-4 hours on Sunday.
It's a lot for a teenager to take on. But I know that if you do all of the things that you are supposed to do you will be blessed! The Lord has marvelous things in store for you and he needs YOU! To be strong and immovable. To choose the right at all times. He needs you to share His Gospel. And you are doing it by following the commandments and being who you are meant to be. Who you really are. I'm impressed and I want to be more like you.

Perhaps we can all learn to be better examples and to stand up for what we believe in.



Deb said...

Jess you are awesome!! I am so blessed to have a daughter like you!!! love you
MOM :)