Friday, March 11, 2011

Earthquakes in Japan

I've probably mentioned before that I'm an avid CNN watcher and reader.

Well my good friend posted on facebook that there was an earthquake in Japan. I thought he was just posting old news because that had hurricanes this week already. But he meant RIGHT NOW.
So I jumped on to and read the Breaking News Headline that said, "8.9 magnitude earthquake in Japan". So I scooted to the living room and turned on channel 35 to watch CNN's updates. And then I turned on 34 to Fox News who was giving video stream and pictures of the damage. And then channel 36, HLN, we all know that is a bunch of nothing was talking about Breaking news too, but it was trash.

All I can say is the amount of natural disasters in the world today is doubling and tripling every year. It seems like earthquakes and floods, tornadoes and snow storms, are happening more frequently than I have ever seen them happen before. And no doubt, they will get worse.
All I know is--- we better be prepared. Think about it.