Saturday, March 26, 2011


We all know that Matt Damon is "Jason Bourne". We're used to seeing him in action movies where he smacks the crap out of people with n
ewspapers and strangles them with foreign objects. So me and some of my friends watched this movie tonight. It's called "Hereafter". Let me tell you. Save yourselves! Do not watch it. Because it moves the pace of a snail, Matt Damon doesn't even have a really great role (which made me wonder why he even took it in the first place)
, nothing is really connected... Not one of Clint Eastwood's best movies. We seriously sat there at the end and wondered why we wasted time watching it. You can take your chances and watch it and then share your opinion, if you have somet
hing different than mine I want to know how you arrived there.

On the flip side, I did watch this movie today called "Stomp the Yard: Homecoming" or something like that. If you've ever seen the movie "Drumline" it's almost like that-- but with dancing and more drama. I'm a fan of Drumline, I'm a fan of just about any movie that has some kind of dancing in it where they compete... st
uff like 8 Mile (TV version please-- no rated
R things).. you know. So I was pleasantly surprised with this movie. However, the ratings said that the first "Stomp the Yard" was a lot better and that the plot in this one was awful. So I have added the first one to my dvd list and I will watch it to compare.

Then I started this movie called "Uncle P". It's got Master P in it. Basically it's a movie about a mom who has three kids, they aren't that well off. The Mother has some health problems and then Uncle P who is a successful and famous entertainer comes to take care of them. Master P talked so slow, the little girl just about drove me insane, I had to cut it off. So you can take your pick with that too.


Deb said...

none of them sound good. I don't really like those kinds of movie's anyway.

Jessica said...

hey-- stomp the yard was legit.
you hurt my feelings.