Sunday, March 6, 2011

I decided that I am going to start the Personal Progress Program again! But I'm going to use the online system because it's convenient for me and easier to track. PLUS- it's COOL!

I've been having a hard time lately dealing with patience or tolerance I guess you should say. I know that everyone has the right to be themselves at all times. I don't want to take that away from anyone. I enjoy diverse personalities and talents. BUT I think I am beginning to see the difference in being an only child as I grow older. At times, I can't tolerate a lot of noise or squealing. I don't do well with talking about things that will never happen because they aren't realistic and people just dream them up in their head. I find that I like being alone and having solace more than being around people in the house all the time.

But let me tell you this. I LOVE PEOPLE. I love them because they bring joy to my life and help me to progress to become a better person. Situations at college train you for the life that you will have in the future. A Husband who may do things that grate at your nerves, children who are loud and squealing and mess up the whole house. But there is beauty in that. It's life, it's the pure creation of experiences and memories and lessons.

I guess I need to learn how to tune people out and let people just do their thing while I do mine. So if that means that Hilary Weeks and Deseret Music CDs will be busting in my ears so I can think good thoughts while tuning people out, I'll have to do that.



Deb said...

I think that is a really good idea to do the personal progress program
I like how you can do it all on line now.