Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Congratulations to my Finger.

You are now free from a rather awkward piece of baggage!

I had surgery yesterday to remove some scar tissue on my finger that had been growing since high school. Let's just say the last thing I remember was them saying, scoot onto this bed. And I did and that was all that I remember. And I remember waking up to them saying, "You are in the recovery room" and Sister Wood was beside me. She said I didn't talk loopy so that was good.

I spent the night in the Bishop's basement last night just so I could have some peace and quiet and I got up this morning at 7:42!! I miss going to work and I feel like I have a lot of school work to get done. Whew. I'm just trying to do my best with these six fingers I use to type. Surgery was fun though, an IV and a blood pressure cuff that liked to squeeze my arms for a good twenty minutes after the surgery was over. But I go back monday to get a new bandage and I don't remember if they said this or not, "to get stitches out". I don't know if I have them or not. haha

Well got to go do a facial with my friend Kel-Kel.
