Friday, July 8, 2011

Library time

Just so you know, I think I was irritated about one thing in that last post, but I made it seem like I was irritated at a million things. That's not true.
Well I woke up 10 minutes later than I was supposed to this morning which meant I was late to class. So I walked on to class and instead of getting dismissed at 10:50 we got out at 9:50. We had to watch this video about this Minnesota Semi-Starvation Experiment that was done back in the 40s. It's kind of interesting if you want to look into it. They found that people who are in a state of starvation can only think about food for the most part and they lose relationships with others and become angry and irritated. Depression is mostly common and they can't think of anything else but eating food.
Now I'm sitting in the library where I have attempted to study, read, and look for jobs. I haven't done any of them but applied for a job and looked for jobs. I tried to read a book and got three pages finished. Nevertheless, I will say that this girl behind me had her key tones turned up on her phone while she was texting and I almost went insane and this chick that was sitting behind me was talking so loud on the phone about "I'm dating someone now...!" I almost turned around an said, "Yo girl, can you quiet down?" She would have said it's the NoShhh Zone. I would have been like right it is but it ain't the yellin zone child. Woo law, some people's manners. Shoot.

I guess I'm going to search CNN and then head on home. I would rather read and study in the comfort of my own home and not have to do anything. And sleep.