Monday, June 20, 2011

My Patience is wearing thin.....

I do not have much patience. And I am sure that if any of you have associated with me in certain circumstances you have seen that I have absolutely no patience with some people. But it seems that the people that other people think are "annoying" aren't that annoying to me because I just accept them for who they are. Not that I don't accept the "normal" people for who they are, I do that too. But let me just say, there are certain things that irk the devil out of me. I am hard to hold my tongue, I find myself saying things that I probably shouldn't say because I just voice my opinion. And sometimes that can get me into trouble or that can make people think that I'm really harsh or blunt. Which I admit, sometimes I am blunt BUT it's like I've said before I know when to say something and when to walk away and not care anymore.

I'm just going to say, if you spread False Doctrine or you think you're high and mighty, I'll call you on it.


Kiffer Card said...

Awe, you wrote about me!