Thursday, June 23, 2011

Does the current US President matter?

I was talking with a friend yesterday about how Obama is taking all of the troops out of Afghanistan in 15 months. I admit, I don't really know much about WHY we are there or why we have stayed there for so long. I don't know what the pros and cons are of our leaving anyway. It's something that I should look into. I asked my friend what she thought about Obama sending the troops out of Afghanistan and she said something to the extent of, "I'm to the point I don't care what Obama does anymore. I just want him out." So that made me think... okay, but you really didn't answer my question. How do you feel about us leaving? Do you think we will be more susceptible to attacks? Do you think that the nation will be able to survive on its own without our help? Were our attempts of prevention helpful there or were we really needed somewhere else? They are all things to think about. And so she asked me how I felt about it. And the only answer I could give her was, we all know that no matter who the President is things are going to happen because we know the end from the beginning. We know what is going to happen to this world and we know that no matter how many things get put into legislature to protect or abandon the Constitution, things will happen the way they are supposed to go. In the end, the righteous will prevail. She hadn't really thought of it in that way before, but that is how I see everything. I can vote for a President who has the closet moral values and platform that match my ethical, moral, and religious beliefs, but no matter who is in office, things are still going to happen. Another president will get blamed and he will be hated or he will be praised and adored. I am just grateful that I have a loving Heavenly Father who has already revealed the truth of these last days through his Prophets on the Earth today. I'm prepared for what is ahead and I take the necessary steps to prepare and keep myself safe by following the guidelines of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. "If ye are prepared, ye need not fear" Doctrine and Covenants 38:30