Saturday, June 18, 2011

Catching Up!

I haven't blogged lately because I haven't had the time! Mom came for her visit this past week and we did a lot of fun stuff. We went to the Living Planet Aquarium in Sandy, Utah. And I thought it looked like some janky hole in the wall but it was actually really cool! They are going to build a new 90,000 sq. ft. aquarium pretty soon and hope to have it finished by 2013 and it will be right off the interstate. I'll have to see it when it's done because I will still be here. haha Anyway, that was fun. We went to Temple Square, ate at the Nauvoo Cafe, Church History Museum, which was actually really cool. I had never been there before. We went up to the base of Y Mountain where you can see out over Provo and it was lightning out in the South and it was really cool to see from up there. We went to IKEA, which is always dangerous to go to because their stuff is so cute and at great prices. I don't know how many places we ate at, but it was a lot. I felt like I was eating a million meals a day so it's good to get back to my one meal a day. I know that sounds awful, but I like it that way. We went to the Bookstore and looked around, Church Distribution, etc. Mom bought a wrench for the twenty gallon water barrels. Or however many gallons there are. It was fun though. I liked mom being out here but it felt kind of weird having her on my turf. Normally when I go home we both know about things and where things are but this time I had to give the directions and it was just weird. But then when I would come back to the apartment and she would wander around Orem it felt like she lived here. So it was just weird, but I'm glad she came. Oh yeah, we drove all the way down to Manti on Sunday afternoon and I have never seen so much land with nothing in it but green mountains... it was kind of tiring. I really like busy cities or at least neighborhoods that are close to things like a hospital and school. We went to see the movie Source Code. I had already seen it and thought it was super trippy but this time I kind of understood more of it than I did the first time. And we went bowling where the first game I did horrible and so the second game I wanted to redeem myself but I did worse than the first time. A great 51! and mom got like 120 something. haha

So after mom left I went laser tagging with my friend at this place down the street. And NO ONE was there playing laser tag with us but just me and her and so I'm trying to find her in a red vest when there is no one else around. And it's dark and cold and then some places it's warm and I can't hear her breathing and I'm thinking the whole time that this would be the perfect scene for a rape to happen or something. And the music is loud-- we were kind of creeped out. But it's not our fault no one else was there playing too!

I laid out today by the pool for about two hours. I am convinced I am going to be dark as my Native American ancestors. Geronimo, I will one day look like you.
Well I'm off to read a book now. Bye!