Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Because I know...

I was looking on the lds.org website's online store and saw the pictures that I have on my wall in my bedroom. I am a huge Captain Moroni fan! Seriously, I want to marry a guy who has all of those qualities that he had. Hint-- sometimes I do see if guys measure up to this standard.

I love the story of the Good Samaritan and I have a picture of the story right beside me on the wall. A picture of the Birmingham, Alabama temple is on the wall and a picture of Jesus Christ is tacked on my ceiling so when I'm pondering or thinking or when I wake up in the morning I can start with my thoughts geared toward Christ.

Because I know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is true and is on the Earth today I have reason to smile when I see these pictures. They line my walls because I know they are eternally significant. Your whole perspective changes once you know the gospel is true. I talked about the devotional given by Sister Wixom called "Coming to Know". That devotional really made me think about my spiritual experiences and I'm glad I read it. I'm able to put a place, date, feeling and emotion on all of the experiences and dealings I've had with God.

As I was reading in 1 Nephi tonight I had some questions in my mind. But after thinking for a while I was able to conclude that I do know that Heavenly Father is my Father. I know that whenever I am faced with a difficult situation or when someone challenges my faith I respond with an answer that suggests and claims God is all powerful and He can do all things. Though I do not know by what method God brings about all of His mighty works I know nonetheless that He is real and he is God. Because I know Him, I can defend Him and His Son with every fiber in my being and would give my life for my testimony.