Thursday, December 23, 2010

Something Happy

My friend Adam wrote about the people he sat next to on his flight into SLC and I was thinking about the people I sat next to. I sat next to some man and the boy next to him was talking about how he wondered if "they teach Evolution at BYU?". I was thinking, I am a Biology Education Major and I have to take Bio420 which is Evolutionary Biology. An interesting thing my Ecology professor said about Evolution is that you either accept or reject the theory. It's true though, I believe it to an extent but I don't accept the whole theory of how I came from a monkey.

Then I thought I was going to have a whole row to myself but this man had to sit down on the window seat and I fell asleep so it was okay.. He was late on the plane!

Today I went shopping all afternoon with my cousin Ginny... I'm just tired I think I've been shopping since I've gotten to Alabama and I just want to sit on the couch or lay in the bed for a while. But things I have noticed since I've been home:

1. People wear Alabama and Auburn attire more than regular clothes.
2. I see more Alabama fans than Auburn. ROLL TIDE!
3. People in Alabama have this certain "look" about them... the jeans, the sweaters, the hair, etc.
I can always tell when someone is from the south.
4. I would rather have Alabama decor to take back to Utah than little trinkets of crap.
5. The weather here is so much nicer, I feel like I could run in shorts and a T-shirt all day long.
6. I miss having my family in my ward with me.
7. I am not embarrassed to say things and be honest. My Mom has been rather surprised with the things that I have said-- shoot I'm just being myself. Utah has taught me to show my true personality.
8. This city changes every time I come back. I've had Popeyes three times this week.. Boy do I love it!
9. I miss Utah more than I thought I would.
10. I am so bored that I don't even want to read!

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve! Have a good one!