Tuesday, April 12, 2011

If you don't like the work then just quit!

Okay... so this might not be the best solution or way to handle tough situations. But I have a MAJOR pet peeve when people who have jobs don't do their share of the work. I work my tail off and there can be another person sitting on their rear doing a bunch of nothing. Heck no! That does not fly my friend. So they will put on this front that they know what they are talking about and act like they have worked real hard when really, I've seen them moping around and putting about 50% in. I dislike and don't admire these people. Personally, I know what it feels like to not enjoy your job. I know what it's like when you don't want to shove another ten chicken fingers in a fryer or rake another hundred leaves. I know what it's like to have your arms and legs ache from walking all day and your mind drained because you have been entering numbers into a computer for an hour double checking your deposit is right. And guess what? I kept doing my work because it was my job no matter how much I hated it. I thank my parents for teaching me how to do hard things and to follow through with my commitments. So to those of you who cry and weep and complain over your work and who don't like what you do because it isn't "fun" I say to you, SUCK IT UP! Seriously. I'm tired of hearing you say how much you dislike your job and seeing you slack off. I'm tired of you being the one that gets praised when I really see what you are doing and you act like you deserve it all. If you do your job and you're invested, I'll like you and I'll admire you and I will probably even get along with you. If you don't measure up to this most likely I won't have very nice feelings toward you. So maybe you need to change your attitude and maybe I need to change my attitude about you having the attitude that you have. I almost just want to tell you to go big or go home. Whew.


Deb said...

Do you feel better now?I hope so cause that was a lot of venting! Take a deep breath. It will be ok!:)

Jessica said...

ha It will always be okay. Some people just get on my nerves!